At around 6 to 7 hours from Colombo by vehicle, Batticaloa is situated on the Eastern Coast of Sri Lanka. There are many ways to travel up to here, depending on the level of comfort you expect and your available budget.
We have a fair network of vehicles, drivers and guides to drive you to and from Batticaloa district. Have a look at our page: Taxi Service in Batticaloa and Passikudah
There are daily trains between Colombo and Batticaloa. The journey takes 8 to 9 hours. The train stops in Valaichchenai, where you can get down to reach Passikudah and Kalkudah.
From Colombo to Batticaloa: you can take either the morning train at 6.10AM, or the night train at 7.15PM.
From Batticaloa to Colombo: you have the choice between the day train which starts at 7.15AM and the night train that leaves at 8.15PM.
The tickets have to be bought directly in the train station. You can also book tickets in advance from the railway station of your departure to get a “sleeperette”, i.e. an adjustable seat.
More information about the Sri Lankan Railways can be found on the following website: The train schedule can be checked on the following page:
Public Buses:
Public buses to reach Batticaloa from other main cities of Sri Lanka are gathered in the following chart:
From ... to Batticaloa Time of Departure Duration of travel
Colombo 7AM, 10.30AM, 2PM, 11PM + 6PM (bus to Kalmunai) Around 9 hours
Badulla 6AM, 12PM Around 6 hours
Jaffna 7AM, 8AM Around 9 hours
Kandy 2.20PM Around 6 hours
Passikudah 8AM, 10.15Am, 12.15PM, 2.15PM, 4.15PM Around 1 hour
Polonnaruwa 8AM Around 3 hours
Pottuvil 6AM Around 3.5 hours
Trincomalee 6AM, 12PM Around 3 hours
Vavuniya 7AM, 11AM Around 7 hours
Public buses starting from Batticaloa to other main cities of Sri Lanka are gathered in the following chart. Public buses start from the Main Bus Stand, situated on Munai street, Batticaloa. As time schedule for the public buses might change from time to time, you can call the Main Bus stand at the following number to get confirmation about your time of departure: + 94 65 222 57 23.
From Batticaloa to ... Time of departure Duration of travel
Colombo 12PM, 1.15PM, 6PM, 7.30PM Around 9 hours
Badulla 5AM + 6.45AM (bus to Panadura) Around 6 hours
Kandy 5.15AM Around 6 hours
Jaffna 4.30AM, 11.15AM, 5.30PM Around 9 hours
Passikudah 6AM, 8.15AM, 10.15AM, 12.15PM, 2.15PM, 4.15PM Around 1 hour
Polonnaruwa 3.15PM Around 3 hours
Pottuvil 6.15AM, 10.15AM, 3.15PM, 3.30PM Around 3.5 hours
Trincomalee 5AM, 6.15AM, 11.15AM, 1.15PM Around 3 hours
Vavuniya 8.45AM + 4.30AM, 11.15AM, 5.30PM (buses to Jaffna) Around 7 hours
N.B.: Seats in buses to Jaffna and Colombo can be booked at the Main Bus Stand one day in advance. For other buses, come to the bus stand around 1 hour before the departure of your bus.